SmS Cassanova

Enclosed its collection of SmS from a friend who SmS quite often for the purpose of chasing after girls.

Here are the SmS for all to enjoy and some amusement!!!  May this bring joy to all as it have for me.

Girls, Please let me what you would think if you have received those SmS!!!  Haha!!!

1/  You know I like to invite you over but I’m afraid you are so hot you will skyrocket my air-conditioning bill.

2/  So many times I thought I held it in my hand but  just grains of sand, love slipped through my fingers.  So many nights I asked God, please make me lucky enough to find a love that lingers.  Something keeps telling me that you could be my answer prayer.  You must be heaven send – I swear.

3/  What I have with you is worth it.  It is worth every lonely and cold nights.  Every tears I cry in sorrow from missing you and the pain I feel from not having you close.  It is worth it because girl you are my one and only.  When I picture myself years from now, I can only see you.  No matter how painful distance can be, not being with you in my life would be worse.

4/  Love is not a thing can be explained.  Love is a blind thing that can be harsh and cruel when not shared by two people.  Love can not be force into or made to happen.  It just happens and no one personcan explain it until it happen to them.  No matter what I do, I will always love you over and over again.  As love is like art, it is hard to explain but beautiful experience, I do truly want to spend the rest of my life with you.

5/  I can only tell you a little of how much I love you as there are not enough words to described how I feel, the rest of how I feel is a private conversation between our hearts.  Well, I am shameless when it comes to loving you.  I want to go bed at night, wake up every day and breathe knowing you are truly mine, the only reason I breathe is to breathe you in.

6/  Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a chance but falling in love with you I had no control over.  I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.  I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me.  I love you for the making of me.  I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

7/  If I knew missing you was going to be a part of my life, I never would have let you in.  Where my head rests is not where my thoughts lay.

8/  Life is pretty much unpredictable.  I may not live long enough but I wont miss out out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.

9/  I am enthralled by your beauty, mesmerised by your charisma and spellbound by you.  No wonder I am always thinking about you without any reason.

10/  I have three parts of my heart, first my careers, second my family and third my friend.  But no part for you for you are my heart.

11/  Romance is born out o the efforts we give.  Each moment we share is what touches us.  You are what defines beauty – miss you much.

12/  Looking into your eyes I can see beauty.  Looking into your soul I can see passion.  Looking into your mind I can see intelligence but looking into your heart I see the most wonderful world.  Just remember that even when we apart.  I will be missing you.

13/  If you stand in front of the mirror with 11 roses, you will see 12 of the most beautiful things in the world.

I am sure there is more to come as Mr Sms Cassonova is quite persistant and Good luck to him finding his “One And Only” from many of those SmS he have sended out already to all the girls he come across.

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