Archive for March, 2009


Posted in Uncategorized on March 23, 2009 by randomsay


Sometime relationship can best be described as “your favourite cocktail‘s”.

After a long and hard day at work, where all you want is to put your feet up and relax with a glass chill drink to suppress the pressure of a day work. 

A cocktail is like the mixes of right ingredients well, correct measurement you will have your very own special drink that perfect to you.

Strangely, even thought sometime with the right ingredients mixture for a glass of cocktails will taste different when made by different people.  Could this be perhaps it not made from love.  Hence, we feel very differently. Or could this be because the original of the ingredients is not the same. Perhaps even the once “one and only is no longer the one”. Sadly, the cause of it can be all of it above.

Here is -one of Miss LV own special recipe of cocktails.

Long Island Tea

30 ml                         Vodka

15ml                          Gin

15ml                          Triple sec

15ml                          Cointreau

15ml                          Coca-cola

05ml                          Orange juice

Note: Most Long Island Tea will have Run & Tequila but for personal reason this will be not required.

Method: Fill the shaken with ice cubes and add all alcohols for this drink.

Try to freezing lychee fruits into cube size ice for more fruity taste and start shaken.  Then mix them with coca-cola (please do not shake them together).

Pour them into a tall glass and add a dash of orange juice. Cheers!

There is more recipe to come but for now Enjoy!

Random Say’s with Random thoughts

Posted in Uncategorized on March 22, 2009 by randomsay


This blog is created by a group of friends who express thoughts and views toward the changing world. 

The concept for this blog is to create an open discussion forum on any thoughts in any topic from all walks of life that intrigues on daily life, like group of friends having coffee and tea on leisure Sunday afternoon. Chatting and gossiping on today’s news. Having a valuable input of opinions or just have a say.  Hence, the name “Random Say’s” was entitled.

The authors of this blog believe having a say is to share any thoughts that leads to open discussion and explore further understanding of what I becoming of this world.

To be honestly, the first topic to post on this blog is hard.  Although, the question of what would be the up and coming topic been asked today many times over the weekend and few ideas been given but to put and an idea in written form really come to mental block.

Not as easy as few friends sitting in corner of luxury café, sipping coffee and tea and chatting then go home and rest  for the coming hectic week ahead. Many brain cells have dies just this weekend so with whatever brain cells leave, it need some R & R now. Ciao for now. 

— @ Miss LV @—


BLOG 101

Posted in Uncategorized on March 21, 2009 by randomsay

First time blogger!             

Big HelloTo The  World!

Never thought setting up a blog can be time consuming but it was fun and good learning curve.

Will keep trying and post interesting thoughts for further discussion to gain different point of view.

Thank you for those who supported this up and coming blog. 

Any constructive comment and suggestion is most welcome in order to improve.

Thank you once again.

— @ Miss LV @—